
    Social Cognition Across People & Environments

  • About Us

    SCAPE Lab, led by Dr. Marjorie Prokosch, studies the interplay between people and environments, and how this interplay shapes perceptions, attitudes, and decision-making. The basic premise that guides our work is that people are not unbiased perceivers and actors in their world. The structural, social, and physical environments where we live and our personal needs interact to shape what we pay attention to, how we interpret things, and how we act on them. We are particularly interested in how people react to threats to health, safety, and well-being.

    For example, how does our personal health impact the way that we process flu season.. a pandemic? Or, how do our social environments and personal worldviews impact our perceptions of disasters and ideas about how to reduce risks?

    We examine our research questions in a variety of ways including:

    • Basic lab and field research
      -Surveys, behavioral tasks, biomarker collection
    • Applied, community-led research
      -mixed-methods, participatory methods
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    SCAPE Lab Fall '23 - Spring '24

    Front row (left to right): Marjorie Prokosch, Jamison Fick, Matt Barbaro, Buyi Owo-Odusi

    Back row (left to right): Dani Wolfe, Quinn Mitchell, Willow Rose, Chase Martin

    Not pictured: Ava El-Sayed, Lauren Masters


    Pose of the year: "Squinting in the Sun"

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    Lab Updates

    Spring 2024


    Lab members Kas Claussen and Quinn Mitchell attended NEEPS 2024 in Niagara Falls with Marjorie Prokosch (PI). Kas and Quinn shared a poster, and Marjorie gave a talk.


    Lab members Matt Barbaro, Ava El-Sayed, Kas Claussen, Willow Rose, Nathaniel Kilbridge, and Lauren Masters all had accepted presentations for the Western New York Conference on April 13th. Matt and Ava presented a poster, while Kas and Willow gave talks on their senior thesis and SURF projects. All did a fantastic job! Congrats to Willow for winning Best Talk!


    Continuing with Conference Season, we are so proud of Dani Wolfe for giving a great talk about their thesis at RIT's Graduate Education Showcase week.


    Lab members Dani Wolfe, Willow Rose, Quinn Mitchell, Kas Claussen, and Marjorie Prokosch (PI) traveled to present their work at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology in San Diego, California. In total we presented 4 main conference posters, 1 preconference poster, a main conference panel. Marjorie also participated in organizing a preconference, and several SPSP Early Career oriented events (mentoring tables, happy hours, etc..). We love presenting our work and supporting the Social Psychology community!


    Congrats to BS/MS student Quinn Mitchell for receiving an Aberg Family Fellowship for $5,000 from the Department of Science, Technology and Society to fund research and conference travel.


    Fall 2023


    We welcomed a visit from Haleh Mehdipour (a.b.d., University of Florida).  Haleh met members of SCAPE Lab and discussed her project, Prioritizing Spatial Justice in Neighborhood Revitalization, at a College of Liberal Arts reception. Thanks for sharing your exciting and impactful work!


    Congrats to master's student Dani Wolfe on receiving $500 from the College of Liberal Arts and an additional $500 from the department of Psychology to fund their thesis work!


    Lab PI Marjorie Prokosch is excited to partner as a co-PI with Dr. Eleanor Chand-Matzke (PI) and Dr. Kirsten Condry (co-PI) on a RIT PLIG grant funded project that we hope will facilitate undergraduate students' learning of statistics in Research Methods 2.


    We are pleased to introduce two new lab positions have been filled: our new lab manager is Kas Claussen, and our Climate Projects Coordinator is Willow Rose. Congrats and thanks for all you do to help keep things running!


    Summer 2023


    Lab Members Buyi Owo-Odusi and PI Marjorie Prokosch had a great time meeting with the Spatial Justice Jax collective in Jacksonville, Florida, to help conduct community-led work on spatial inequality and health in Jacksonville.


    Big congrats to Dani Wolfe for winning a coveted Clara Mayo grant from the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues to conduct their thesis work!


    We are excited to announce the publication of a new paper "Individual differences in psychological rigidity and beliefs about system fitness predict attitudes about social determinants of disaster risk" with our collaborators from the Disasters Trust and Social Change Lab at the University of Florida.


    Congrats to Willow Rose and Buyi Owo-Odusa for presenting a talk and poster at RIT's Undergraduate Research Day this August.


    Spring 2023


    Congrats to Quinn Mitchell for their upcoming SURF fellowship to conduct an original research project chaired by Dr. Kaitlin Sach Whitney and in collaboration with SCAPE Lab this Summer!


    Undergraduate research assistants Kas Claussen,Quinn Mitchell, and Willow Rose will present posters at the upcoming Western New York Undergraduate Research Conference on April 16th.


    Dani Wolfe presented their talk on Covid-19 related news media and behavior at the RIT Graduate Research Showcase on April 5th!


    Congrats to Kas Claussen for their acceptance into the McNair scholars program.


    Marjorie Prokosch is grateful to accept $5,500 in seed funding from RIT Sponsored Research Services to develop more of SCAPE Lab's work on social cognition underpinning Climate Change beliefs and action.


    Congrats to master's student Dani Wolfe on receiving additional RIT scholarships for their excellent course performance this year.


    Congrats to undergraduate research assistant Willow Rose for receiving a SURF fellowship to develop their work on individual differences in cognition and environmental attitudes during Summer 2023.


    Congrats to undergraduate research assistant Willow Rose for receiving a College of Liberal Arts Writing Award for their literature review paper examining Ecological Anxiety.


    Congrats to undergraduate research assistant Quinn Mitchell for being accepted to RIT's BA/MS joint master's program.


    Dani Wolfe and Marjorie Prokosch attended the annual Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) meeting in Atlanta from February 21st - 26th. Dani presented a poster at the Political Psychology convention, while Marjorie presented a poster at the main conference. This was Dani's first SPSP meeting!


    Fall 2022


    ​Congrats to master's student Dani Wolfe on receiving $500 from the College of Liberal Arts to fund their thesis pilot work.


    Congrats to Master's Student Dani Wolfe on receiving $650 from the College of Liberal Arts and Psychology Department to present work at the upcoming Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference.